Contact Address Details:
Bamboo Beach Bar
Bijilo Beach
PO Box 2243, Banjul, ksmd
The Gambia, West Africa
Tel no: +220 7775236 or 8900020
Built using African methods and local materials the beach
bar has an unspoilt view facing the Atlantic Ocean and lovely,
golden beach of Bijilo. It is frequented by holidaymakers
from Europe and other parts of the world. Bamboo offers a
much needed break from the relentless heat during the day.
The staff are locally hired and offer an affable and friendly
welcome who will attend to your every requests for food and
drink. The restaurant is open from first thing in the morning
up until the evening when dinner is served. Local fresh fish
is served as well as other dishes on the menu such as lamb,
chicken or beef stewed with vegetables to make traditional
Gambian dishes.
The Bamboo Beach Bar has plenty of room to unwind in solitude
while under a grass style sunshade. If you wish you could
try a bit of beach fishing and maybe you might catch a Barracuda
or Lady Fish.