Car Sales & Dealers
(Banjul area, Jeshwang, Kololi)
A list of auto vehicle distributors from compact hatchbacks
& family saloons to all terrain 4x4 vehicles & commercial
trucks. |
Car Spare Parts
(Serrekunda, Old Jeshwang, Kanifing)
Retailers & importers of auto parts from engines to ball
bearings and gaskets. |
Car Rentals
Car hire firms includes Avis, Hertz, AB Gambia Car Rental
in the areas of Banjul Airport, Kanifing, Kololi & Old
Jeshwang. |
Vehicle servicing companies and sole proprietorships with
professional diagnostic computer equipment able to repair
most makes of vehicles. |
Used Cars
Importing and sales distributors of second-hand vehicles through
the port of Banjul such as SUVs, Mercedes Benz, BMW,
VW & Peugeot etc. |
Above you will find each vehicle
dealers' information, contact
addresses, telephone numbers, some emails, faxes
& main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the western
coast region of The Gambia, West Africa. |