This type of insurance policy includes third party liability
which covers aircraft owners for property damage, passenger
liability, ground risk hull in Banjul airport & other ports,
combined single limit (CSL), in-flight & allied perils. |
Bond Guarantees
Financial Guaranty insurance policies are a bank guarantee
or unconditional bond used by Gambian building contractors &
property sellers by overseas buyers to guarantee the tender as
security against the face value of payment. |
A motor insurance policy includes cars, motorcycles, lorries
& other road going vehicles. Its main purpose is to cover
the policyholder against damage to the vehicle, theft or personal
injury. |
Cash-in-Safe / Transit (CIS / CIT)
This is an insurance policy in which the insurance company will
indemnify a claimant in the event that money is stolen from
their safe or during movement from one place to another, for
example from a store to a local bank. |
Consequential Loss (CL)
The policy, also known as Loss of Profits or Business
Interruption Insurance, is where an organisation or business is
indemnified for loss of profit & fixed overheads caused by a
disaster such as fire causing a stoppage in its daily
operations. |
Contractor's All Risk
A policy, sometimes known as 'Contract Works', covering all
risks associated with construction projects in Gambia such as a new
building. Extra cover could be included for the policy holder's
tools, machinery & hired plant. |
Deterioration of Stock
This type of policy is designed to cover against loss or damage caused
by putrefaction of perishable stock in cold storage as a result
of refrigerator failure. |
Employees' Compensation
It covers the employer for injuries, death or illness sustained
by an employee on the employer's premises. Compensation is paid
to the worker or their family. |
Employer's Liability
It is an insurance policy that protects employers against
employee accident claims based on allegations of negligence on
the part of the employer. This can also cover sub-contractors in
Gambia. |
Fidelity Guarantee
Known as the Fidelity Bond in the US this type of insurance
contract cover indemnifies policyholders for pecuniary / stock
losses caused by the dishonest & fraudulent acts of workers
including embezzlement & forgery. |
Fire Insurance
This is a contract of indemnity whereby the insured household in
Banjul or
firm is indemnified for losses caused by or incidental to
fire. |
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Above you will find each companies'
information, contact addresses, telephone numbers, some emails,
faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the
western coast region of The Gambia, West Africa. |