Gambia Business Directory
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Environmental Protection NGOs in Gambia

Green Trust       
The NGO charity is active in Soma and the Lower River Region. It is a rural community based organisation involved in environmental protection, forest management practices, capacity building, fights forest degradation & does tree planting exercises.
Gunjur Environmental Protection
& Development Group
GEPADG is a voluntary agency focused on coastal preservation, mangroves, forest degradation,  re-forestation, agro-forestry & micro-finance initiatives.
International Relief & Development
2 Dan Fodio Street, Bakau New Town, Kombo, Ksmd
The IRD is an international, charitable NGO working with Gambian people on sustainable agriculture, forestry & environment.
Makasutu Wildlife Trust       
Based in Abuko Nature Reserve the MWT is a not-for-profit whose goals are to protect wildlife habitats, ecosystems & promote for greater awareness of biodiversity & conservation.
Stay Green Foundation       
Essau Village, North Bank Region
The organisation was founded in Gambia to prevent soil degradation, desertification & environmental damage caused by farming. It also introduces cashew.
Worldview InternationalFoundation
Bakau New Town, 49 Garba Jahumpa Road
WIF agency works in the fields of environmental protection through initiatives such as agro-forestry, promoting fuel efficient stoves, tree planting exercises etc.
See also
Agricultural NGOs
Rural Development Agencies
 Types of NGOs      
 NGOs - A to Z

Above you will find background information details on the list of various civil society organizations (CSOs), their intervention areas, contact addresses, telephone numbers, some emails, faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the west coast region, Kombo District & up river areas of The Gambia, West Africa.

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