Gambia Business Directory
 Computers & IT

IT Sales & Repairs in Gambia

Iyke Chris Computers
13 Kairaba Avenue, Serrekunda, Ksmd
The company stocks and distributes branded IT hardware such as from Hp, Dell, Hp, Toshiba, plus parts & accessories.
Hans Multimedia Institute
Banjul area, 9 Jang Jang Road, Serrekunda
Local distributors of desktops, laptops, display screens and repairs of IT equipment.
Business World Gambia
Kairaba Avenue, Banjul area
A company with computer sale & repairs services as well as being distributors of office consumables, software and printers.
Off Kairaba Avenue
PC maintenance and LAN networking services.
BizDataSoft Solutions
26 Kairaba Avenue, Serrekunda
Hardware distribution, software and database management systems implementation.
Unique Solutions
Garba Jahumpa Road, Bakau
They stock & sell a varied mix of PC equipment and peripherals from the major brand names as well as network cards, hubs, switches, cables etc.
International Technological Services
Serrekunda, Banjul area
The company has an Information Technology and Services department which specialises in systems integration, sales, installation  support of a large range of IT products  2-Way Radio supplies.
Hardware servicing, software, spyware removal, virus clean-up.
Gambia Computer Solutions
Retail distributors of used computers as well as a PC fixing and troubleshooting service. They also stock the latest software and DVDs.
 Computers & IT

Above you will find each companies' information, contact addresses, telephone numbers, some emails, faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the western coast region of The Gambia, West Africa.

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