Flights from Birmingham Airport
to Gambia |
*Check details with the airlines
& airport.
Birmingham International Airport (BHX) tourist flights
to Banjul are operating in the winter months of November,
December and January, February, March and April.
Charter flights are arranged by the Gambia Experience
(GE) which has a once weekly flight departing from Birmingham
Airport on Tuesdays commencing November.
Only flights with durations of multiples of 7 nights
are available from Birmingham to Gambia. For other alternate
dates such as 9, 10, 11 and 12 nights see Manchester
or Gatwick.
You can find the best deals just before the Christmas
holidays or just before and after the February half-term
More information: • The airport
is a hub for BmiBaby, Flybe, Monarch Airlines, Ryanair
and Thomson Airways.. • As well as Banjul Airport
Birmingham offers long haul flights to other international
destinations including the Indian subcontinent, the
Middle East, North America and the Caribbean.
Birmingham International
A45 Coventry Road
M42 Junction 6
Post code: B26 3QJ
West Midlands
Tel: +44 (0)844 576 6000
Fax: +44 (0)121 782 8802 |
N.B. The above information should not be relied upon
to make any travel decisions as it may be out-of-date
or subject to change without notice. Get advice from
your travel agent, tour operator and/or the airlines
concerned. |
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