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Tanji Bird Reserve - Gambia

Hotels & Lodges Tanji Fishing Village
  Bijol Islands
The Tanji Bird Reserve (properly known as the Tanji River Karinti Bird Reserve) is immediately to the north of the start of the village bridge and includes the Karinti River. The protected reserve, which  incorporates an area of the Bald Cape and the Bijol Islands (Kajonyi Islands), is located 1.5km from the Atlantic Ocean coastline.

The Karinti bird sanctuary has an area of about 136 hectares. Tanji bird reserve has a rich diversity of Palaearctic and African bird species; about 300 species. It has a substantial of migratory birds, these are Palaearctic migrants of 82 species (27%), Intra-African migrants of 32 species (11%),  and Resident species of 181 species (61%). This constitutes 295 species from 61 families, out of 515 species and 75 families in the whole of The Gambia.



The lagoons in the reserve has Little Egret, Black Headed Heron, White Fronted Plover, Caspian Tern, Pied Kingfisher, Spur Winged Plover, Long Tailed Cormorant, Sanderling, Western Reef Heron, Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, Cattle Egret, Grey Headed Gull, Greenshank, Royal Tern, Grey Heron, Lesser Black Backed Gull and Redshank.

Together with the Bijol Islands, the park is considered as one of the IBAs (Important Bird Areas) in The Gambia, as they are major offshore roosting and feeding habitat for substantial numbers of shorebirds, seabirds, ospreys, and other avians as well as mammals.

Contact Address Details:
Dept. of Parks
& Wildlife Management

C/o Min. of Forestry & Environment
48 GIPFZA House, Kairaba Avenue
Abuko Nature Reserve, HQ

Tel no: +220 4376973

[Geographical coordinates 13.3667° N, 16.7953° W / Kombo South, Western Region]

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