Contact Address Details:
Bank Gambia
Banjul area Head Office
Tel no: +220 4580345 (Country
Program Coordinator)
Fax: 4735450
Tel no: +220 473 7893 (Senior
Communications Officer)
Fax: +220 473 5450
Country Director (Dakar based)
Tel: +221 849 5000
Fax: +221 849 5027
Country Director
Tel: (221) 33 859 41 00
Fax: (221) 33 859 42 83
Country Program Coordinator in Gambia
Tel: (220) 473-3749
Fax: (220) 473-5450
Operations Officer
Tel: (220) 473 7893
Fax: (220) 473 5450
Senior Economist
Tel: (220) 473-4710
World Bank Liaison Officer in Banjul
Tel: (220) 4 49 78 30
Fax: (220) 4 49 79 36
Email: bjoof@worldbank.org
Senior Communication officer
Tel : (221) 33 859 41 40
Fax: (221) 33 859 42 83
Email :

The Gambia Government joined the World Bank in 1967.
As at August 2006, the World Bank had approved a total of
34 International Development Association (IDA) credits for
The Gambia for a total of approximately US$296 million equivalent.
As at August 2006, the commitment value of 7 ongoing World
Bank operations is approximately US$86.9 million.
The loans are aimed at programs to help the country
to promote economic development and reduce poverty. Among
these activities are the building of new classrooms to rehabilitating
roads to expanding public water supply facilities.
Active Projects & Approval Dates:
CBEMP Supplemental Credit 30 Oct, 2007
The original project, funded by a credit of SDR 12.0 million (US$15.0
million equivalent), was approved by the International Development
Association on July 26, 2001, and became effective on January 3, 2002.
The project was needed to strengthen local capacity for economic
policy formulation and execution, including in official statistics,
public financial management and the judiciary. These areas for
assistance have been highlighted in the country’s Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper (PRSP), the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS), and in
the Bank’s diagnostic instruments, in particular the Public
Expenditure Reviews (PERs) and the Country Financial Accountability
Assessment (CFAA).
The additional financing will support ongoing activities which are
part of the original project. The need for additional financing is
mainly due to cost overruns. These overruns resulted from an
underestimation of the degree to which the public sector needed to
grow capacity, which necessitated greater than expected funding for
this purpose prior to undertaking project initiatives. In addition,
many of the project’s original activities required a longer than
expected period of gestation and therefore greater than expected
support from the project, in order to gradually strengthen the
fundamental building blocks for the activities. The benefit of this
approach has been to ensure good stakeholder ownership and to
strengthen sustainability of the efforts.
Community-Driven Development Project
31 Aug, 2006 The development objective forThe Community-Driven
Development Project for Gambia is the following: Rural communities, in
partnership with Local Government Authorities, plan, implement and
maintain their priority social and economic investments.
Third Education Project -
Phase II 01 June, 2006 The Second Phase of the Education
Sector Program for Gambia aims to: (a) Improve conditions for teaching
and learning in basic education; (b) Strengthen capacity building and
performance management for improved management and enhanced monitoring
and evaluation; and (c) Continue expansion of effective access to
under-served communities. Gateway
Project 28 Feb, 2002 This is
a US$16 million project which seeks to enable The Gambia to
establish itself as a globally competitive export and processing
center. The project is a key component of the Government's strategy
for achieving broad-based, export-oriented, and sustained growth.
Building For Economic Management Project 26 July, 2001
This is a US$15 million operation that will help build the
Government capacity for economic policy formulation, and execution,
including capacity building of the judicial, and financial
systems, to facilitate private sector development.
Country Assistance Strategy:
Improve public expenditure management
Promote private sector-led growth
Enhance the equity and quality of service delivery
