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Emergency Relief NGOs & Charities in Gambia

Adventist Development &
Relief Agency

Banjul area, Kanifing Municip., New Jeshwang
ADRA is an international NGO registered in Banjul that carries out humanitarian charity work such as poverty alleviation, food security & has a relief program to aid victims of natural disasters.
Gambia Red Cross Society
New Jeshwang, 53 Mamadi Manjang Highy.
The GRCS is a local non-governmental organisation delivering humanitarian emergency aid & is a partner of the Government in all emergency relief operations.
Humanity First
Latrikunda Sabiji, Greater Banjul area, Kombo
HF is an international NGO & charitable organisation providing healthcare, emergency medical supplies & food aid to the poor, refugees, disadvantaged, & disaster victims.
International Call Organisation
Brusubi, Western Region, Ksmd
ICO is an Islamic humanitarian aid agency delivering development programs & helping drought & flood victims with food, shelter & medical care.
International Islamic
Relief Organisation

Serrekunda, Sayerr Jobe Avenue, Banjul area
The IIRO is an overseas agency that assists victims of natural disaster with assistance aid as well as water provision, schooling, orphans & healthcare.
Muslim Hands
Latrikunda German, 40 Mosque Rd.
Muslim Hands is an international relief aid charity from the UK providing poverty alleviation, development programs & emergency aid & food supplies.
Sanna's Foundation
for the Needy

SFN is a registered, non-profit organisation that was founded to help disaster struck & socially disadvantaged individuals and families in deprived communities.
See also Poverty Relief
 Types of NGOs      
 NGOs - A to Z

Above you will find background information details on the list of various civil society organizations (CSOs), their intervention areas, contact addresses, telephone numbers, some emails, faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the west coast region, Kombo District & up river areas of The Gambia, West Africa.

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