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Female Genital Mutilation NGOs & Charities in Gambia

Association for Promoting
Girls & Women's Advancement

APGWA is a Banjul registered NGO which advocates for Gambian women's health, economic empowerment & fights against female genital mutilation in rural & urban areas.
It is a grassroots gender empowering non-governmental organisation that  advocates for women's right & welfare campaigns against FGM, promotes alternative rights of passage in Gambia & encourages positive traditional practices for girls.
Future In Our Hands
Kotu South, Greater Banjul area, Western Region
FIOH is a grassroots NGO whose intervention areas includes FGM & early marriages, youth & women's capacity building, HIV Aids, gender equality, agriculture, enterprise, skills training in town, villages & rural areas.
Kanifing Institutional Area, Kombo District, Ksmd
GAMCOTRAP champions women's reproductive rights, is anti detrimental traditional practices such as FGM & advances the rights of women & children.
Islamic Relief Association
Serrekunda, 11 Kambi Bolong Street, Banjul area
ISRA provides aid to the underprivileged, especially women, skills training, gives loans, & workshop awareness on women's issues like FGM & domestic violence.
Wassu Gambia Kafo
Fajara F Section, Kanifing Municipality, Ksmd
WGK's main goals is to promote healthcare & the Medical Training School, give aid donations to health centres, help child education & researching female circumcision.
See also
Family Planning &
Reproductive Rights
 Types of NGOs      
 NGOs - A to Z

Above you will find background information details on the list of various civil society organizations (CSOs), their intervention areas, contact addresses, telephone numbers, some emails, faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the west coast region, Kombo District & up river areas of The Gambia, West Africa.

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