Gambia Business Directory
Organisations       NGOs - A to Z
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Food & Nutrition NGOs & Charities

Age Care Association of Gambia
New Jeshwang, Ksmd, Western Region
ACA is a nationwide non-governmental grassroots organisation giving charity aid to the poor elderly in the form of food feeding programs, clothing & medical treatments.
Catholic Relief Services
40 Atlantic Road, Fajara, Greater Banjul area
CRS  is an international Christian charity organisation giving humanitarian relief i.e. nutritional, agriculture programs, skills training, adult literacy, malaria prevention etc.
Kanifing Municipality, Ksmd, Banjul area
CF is an international children's  NGO engaged in foodstuff distribution, crop cultivation, school construction, artisanal fisheries development, micro-finance, livestock.
Cape Point, Bakau & Banjul capital
The Food & Agricultural Organisation is a UN development & relief agency which works in boosting agriculture & livestock quality & production to increase food nutrition, protein levels & farm output.
Friends of The Gambia

3 Kotu Layout, Western Region
FoTGA is a UK donating charity organisation relieving poverty, supporting healthcare & education & giving bags of rice to sponsored children's families.
Future In Our Hands
Kotu South, Ksmd, Western Region
FIOH is an NGO engaged in community development charity programs such as health & nutrition, foodstuffs security, environment, gender equality, women & youth capacity building.
Gambia Food & Nutrition

Kombo Coastal Road, Bakau, Banjul area
GAFNA is a grassroots civil society organisation committed to improving food nourishment eaten by the general population. It also carries out feeding programs in 120 centres.
Gambia Home Economics

Kanifing Municipality, Ksmd, Old Jeshwang
GHEA runs a school teaching girls aged 12 to 24 nutrition, cooking, English, dressmaking, hotel management, math etc.
Gambia Red Cross Society
New Jeshwang, Greater Banjul area
GRCS is an emergency relief body that provides urgently needed provisions to the hungry, first aid, medications, temporary shelters, drinking water supplies.
Humanity First
Latrikunda Sabiji, 33 Foday Kabba Highway
Humanity First is an international NGO from the UK which provides food aid rations to disaster victims as well as nutritional provisions packages to poor families for 6 months.
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See also Agriculture
 Types of NGOs      
 NGOs - A to Z

Above you will find background information details on the list of various food & nutrition civil society organizations (CSOs), their intervention areas, contact addresses, telephone numbers, some emails, faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the west coast region, Kombo District & up river areas of The Gambia, West Africa.

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