Gambia Business Directory
 Education & Training    

Higher Education Institutions in Gambia

See also  Colleges        Universities
1st Line Consulting Gambia Ltd
Fajara "M" Section, ksmd, Banjul area
They have courses from diplomas to postgraduate programs from established UK institutions of learning.
Foresight Training Institute      
Kairaba Avenue
Teaches accredited college courses in databases, computer engineering from Pitman, ICSA diplomas and ICM.
Management Development Institute
MDI Road, Kanifing
A tertiary educational institute specialising in information technology, financial management and public administration training.
Nifty ICT Solutions       
Kairaba Avenue
Computer literacy courses, web design, hardware, software sales as well as IT consultancy, computer maintenance and support.
Trust Communication Training Institute
Fajara 'A' Section
TCTI has classes covering Information Technology and business studies from professional bodies such as ABE, ACCA, AAT, ICM, IMIS CAT and LCM.
O.K. Computer Training       
Brikama, Western Region
They provide basic entry level IT training.
Success Professional Tutors       
36 Kairaba Avenue
SPT are a business & computing orientated further education school offering HNDs & Diplomas from IMIS, AAT, ICM, ACCA, Cisco PC networking.

Above you will find on the list each institutions' background information, contact addresses, telephone numbers, some emails, websites, faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the western coast region of The Gambia, West Africa.
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