Gambia Business Directory
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TalaConsult - (Gambia)

Contact Address:
TalaConsult Gambia Co. Ltd.
2nd Floor, Madiba Mall
17-19 Kaira Avenue
Brufut Gardens Estate
The Gambia, West Africa

Tel no: +220 307 8853


TalaConsult is a global health consulting firm that provides strategic advisory services, operational support and bespoke training on strategic sourcing, procurement and supply chain management of pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and other health products.

We work with international organizations, government agencies, regional bodies, companies, and other stakeholders with a mission to expanding access to quality and affordable health products in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

• Strategic Advice
- Market entry and expansion
- Market shaping
- Pooled Procurement
- Regulatory activities
- Local Production
- Strategic & Innovative Sourcing
- Revolving Funds
- Business Development

• Operational Support
- Public procurement transformation
- Tender evaluation and negotiation
- Contract management
- Supplier relationship management
- Supply management
- Performance management

• Capability Building
- Innovative sourcing
- Procurement best practices
- Supply management


Global Health Consultants


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