Contact Address: Bakau Lower Basic School
Sait Matty
Bakau Sanchaba
Cape Saint Mary's
Kanifing Municipality (Ksmd)
Western Region
Greater Banjul area
The Gambia, West Africa
Email: alex@bakauschool.com

The Bakau Primary School was founded in Banjul just
WW2 in 1947
and is among the earliest established schools in Gambia.
has around 30 teaching staff who give lessons to 1,250
Many of the enrolled students come from poor families
and they are always looking for people who want to sponsor
a child in Gambia order to pay for their school fees,
books and uniforms. You can also use the option of making
a one-off donation or provide financial assistance on
a regular basis.
Volunteer Teachers:
Furthermore, they welcome volunteer teachers whether
part-time for a couple of days a week or full time from
1 week up to 6 months. You will be asked to sign an
agreement acquiescing to teach the national curriculum.